AutoCropper detects and crops the individual photos from each image, straightens them, and saves them into separate image files.
No more manual cropping. No more slow scanning software. Scan multiple photos at once, automatically crop your images and scans online.
AutoCropper lets you split your automatically separated, rotated, cropped scans with no compression. Upload a full size scan, and download its automatically cropped individual photos at full quality near instantly.
AutoCropper uses a custom image detection algorithm to identify each crop area.
Upload and crop multiple scans at once. Digitize your collection faster than your scanner.
Detect rotated areas and crop them instantly.
Digital archivists, card sellers, and image professionals love how AutoCropper saves them time and effort.
"WOW! I am blown away by how painless and easy Autocropper made my job. The interface is simple and perfect for the task."
"Excellent product. Better than all the nonsense AI solutions out there. Does one thing... very very well."
"Worth every penny of what I just spent. THANK YOU!"
"Hours and hours of time and effort saved. Very fast and super-intuitive."
"Saved me hours of work. So good!!!"
"Exactly what I needed. Worth every penny of the Pro version!"
"10/10 would recommend. Made my giant scanning project fear disappear!"
"Brilliant service. The auto detection is almost flawless."
"I'm surprised just how well it works! It's faster and better than anything else I've found on the internet."
Digitizing your collection with AutoCropper is fast. Your photo scanner's software is slow and inaccurate. You can scan multiple images at once quickly and easily, and automatically split each to separate files using AutoCropper over 10x faster.
No upload size limit or compression.
Each individual photo on your scan is detected instantly.
Encode hidden data such as title, description, tags, dates and more.
Crop multiple images at once, multiple parts of one image. Extract multiple areas from single image at the same time. Crop multiple areas, download to separate files instantly. Download individual separate images with a single click.
Easily drag and resize to adjust. Try the Advanced Editor for detailed refinement adjustments.
Upload imagesThe only image cropper with rotateable crops. Resize rotated areas with ease (this was really hard to figure out)
Crop nowUsing the advanced editor to refine individual crops precisely. Watch adjustments show in real time on main canvas.
Learn MoreSay goodbye to manual cropping and slow software.